
chess is repetitive

hi guys
i've heard about someone that stopped playing chess because he considered it too repetitive, and i couldn't say it is completly false, especially on the opening
i suppose if you keep doing the same mistakes it really is, but still idk what to think
what's ur point?
There's a huge number of openings each with different variations and lines. Saying each opening is played the same is basically admitting that he only pays attention to the first two or three moves before making that claim. That's all there is to it.
Far more often, I hear the accusation that chess is "boring".

I see this type of accusation as a projection of their own laziness or lack of depth.
My short-term memory is too bad that I could consider this game 'repetitive'. I actually wish it were like this, so I exploit the same mistakes by my opponents over and over again.
Give 960 a try if you feel that way.

P.S.: I can't even see how "chess is repetitive" is true, but anyhow...
Yeah I think #1 is talking about Fischer, who said normal chess was too repetitive and tried to make 960, aka Fischer Chess, a big thing instead.
He was kind of right but I'm not going to pretend he's automatically fully right just because he's Fischer.

Well, if one wants to see chess as a repetitive game one can do so. One can play the same openings or go for a quick draw and make the games look boring or repetitive. At the end of the day, we can't play a position or an opening that hasn't be seen before, right ?
On the other hand, I prefer to look at chess as a game that gives the players billions of choices and potential positions at every move. I think chess is a very rich game and can't be considered boring. It's one's play that makes the game repetitive to one's eyes. It's not a fault of the game and there are always new possibilities if one wants to try something new. As a proof of that, it's worth mentioning that even in our days when there have been that many games played and comuters analyze billions positions per minute, GMs still find novelties even in openings as the QGD that has been played in so many games.

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