
I need to be 2500+ player

I. need. to. do. it.
I'll post my results here. Thanks.
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@Niki27 This is a waist of a thread. You can make a team and show your improvement there, not in a sub-forum thread. This is a spam topic.
First of all, question yourself whether you are ready to throw away your chess skills, since you will only get a higher bullet rating in return.

If the answer is "YES" - here you go:
- Play a lot more bullet. Best: you play only bullet. Practice makes perfect...
- Play ultra or 1/2+0 to improve the speed, then go for 1+0 and see - this will feel slow.
- Play the clock, not the board, never take time - its always your turn, keep moving :)
- Learn safe opening through which you can play very fast and be aware of all tactical cheapos there.
- Try to get into a position where u can premove, always premove captures and try not to capture pinned pieces.
Bullet time controls will destroy good thinking habits. You might lose the ability to think deeper about a position.
You just react to certain chess patterns, make (pre)moves and that's it.
Speaking of experience. :<
yeah even I need to be 2400 rating though my rating is 1910 in my 2nd account

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