
Adding a weaker engine for begginers

This is a wonderful site! There is only one thing that I dislike about it. When I have to play against the machine, The lowest level has a rating of 1500, but I am a begginer and It is too high for me.

I suggest that another, weaker engine be added along with stockfish for beginners or the minimum level of stockfish be lowered.
Hello Kartikay, I suggest you watch videos on youtube of chess for beginners, I learn a lot doing that. Also play and play again with people of your same level. And then when the time comes, play with people of higher rating of you, and if you lose, analise your own game and see where did you commite a mistake.
Thanks for all the suggesions. I am already watching the videos at chesscademy. But I was saying that for it would be nice if the "Play with the machine" option has some other engine, eg. the mentioned SCE engine. Most of the people here have higher rating than me so I cannot find any people to play with.
Your current classical score isn't an accurate reflection on your ability yet. Set up a few games to filter opponents in the 1000 - 1200 range and see how you fair.
You have to give some credit to Kartikay's suggestion. Even if he filters, he has to wait quite long occasionally. And then he may get somebody who aborts right away. Instead of this, he could get a game with the engine right away and enjoy an opponent with good manners.
I'm just saying that Kartikay shouldn't feel disheartened at having a low rating because it isn't accurate when you are beginning. If you lose your first game here - you'll get knocked by a LOT of points. Until you have played quite a few games, the rating doesn't mean anything.
If you're accepting challenges from seasoned players who are out for some easy points then of course - you're going to lose a lot more than you win - and that isn't going to help confidence or enthusiasm.
The engine on here - stockfish - is a brute and I agree, if the mods are listening maybe they would consider incorporating Alex's engine into Lichess.
I have another idea, that is "practice matches" where we can play against the engine, and it also helps us a little bit by showing pieces in danger, and gives hints and warning. This will help us in improving our game.

BTW, I was saying that I have a low rating because even the AI factory chess says that my rating is nearly 800.
Well I don't mind laying you a few times to help you improve in the meantime- next time you see me online - challenge me to a game and I'll help you with the basics :)

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