
Feature request: Kriegspiel

for those unaware, Kriegspiel is a chess variant where each player is blind to the pieces of his opponent. OTB variants require three boards and a facilitator who helps the players know when it is their turn to move and assists them in making only legal moves, and records the legal move officially.

obviously this variant is easier to implement online. I actually think it might be quite easy, since there is already a blindfold mode, the parameters to create blindfold mode could be applied so as to only conceal the opponent's pieces.

its just an idea. thanks for reading.
am I the only one here who would play this variant?
its interesting, am i sure it would be fun, but im not sure i would consider it a new variant as it is chess just you cant see some pieces...
It would be awesome if they added krieg, but I doubt interest would be sufficiently great to make it worth their while.
one of the features of chess as a game is that it has "perfect information."

from the stanford encyclopedia of philosophy:
""A crucial aspect of the specification of a game involves the information that players have when they choose strategies. The simplest games (from the perspective of logical structure) are those in which agents have perfect information, meaning that at every point where each agent's strategy tells her to take an action, she knows everything that has happened in the game up to that point. A board-game of sequential moves in which both players watch all the action (and know the rules in common), such as chess, is an instance of such a game.""

if you change the game such that the player no longer has perfect information, its not the same game, practically or theoretically.

if there is enough interest then I will write the code myself.* I certainly won't do so if it means no one is interested in playing with me.

*I don't know libre so don't get your hopes up. however its not an idle boast, I do code.
fair point, chess is game of absolute knowledge and the blindfold aspect for weaker players remove that element.
For two super GMs one could argue it is real chess......

I would sure be enjoy playing a game or two of it, seems like it would be great fun
blindfold chess is more difficult but the players still are provided with perfect information. in kriegspiel the player is not permitted to know the locations of his opponent's pieces. all he knows is that the moves are legal and the game began in the traditional starting position. the difference is significant.
I find it amazing how many posts we can get into a thread discussing hypotheticals without first asking the question, "Has this feature been requested before?"

Both Kreigspiel and Dark Chess have been recommended:

I'm actually interested in learning enough Scala to code Dark Chess once I'm done doing all the other tasks on my to-do list!
thanks for the link and the interest, Toadofsky.
I would probably play this variant were it to be introduced. That said, I agree with #4

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