
How can this be allowed?

So, I just joined a 5 minute blitz tournament. It was labeled as "Sicilian defense Grand Prix attack". Alright, I need to practice my sicilian game.

This was the tournament:

To my utter astonishment, the black position is a a set Fischer random 960 AND it's ranked as a normal blitz game. What the FUCK? I have five questions:
1) How can it be allowed to mislabel a tournament like this?
2) How can this be rated as normal blitz?
3) How is it even possible to create a SHIT BOARD and then call it something it absolutely isn't?
4) Is trolling allowed on lichess?
5) What the fuck?
I see. It seems - sadly enough - that the lichess crew and administrators have to consider a new alternative to the freedoms for users and chess players on this site. When you attract enough utter toasters, everyone have to be punished, because the toasters cannot help themselves being utter toasters.
@Riko2020_chess: Why should I think it's funny? I genuinely wanted to practice the sicilian and then I get scammed? The tournament was a lie? Why should I laugh at it? I'm just disappointed instead and the reputation sank a bit in my mind. They're still great guys and I love this site, but what the FUCK?

I have nothing against creating a fuck face tournament, but then call it that and DO NOT call it "Sicilian defense grand prix attack" when it isn't.

So what? If I create a tournament where merely the white pieces only have the king left and call it the "King's gambit", I join at the start and have a dice roll to win it all, is that fine by you?

Where do you draw the line then for what is acceptable in creating a tournament? Or how about a mating net for white and black always lose in three moves? Is that fine and I call it "the English opening"?
(...) What the FUCK? (...)
4) Is trolling allowed on lichess?
5) What the fuck?


Calm down bro. Lichess is free, it doesnt owe you anything. They will fix the bugs over time. Donations may help speed this up but dont expect anything ;-)
I apologize for swearing, but I think this is a travesty, honestly. I thought this was a serious, legitimate and serious chess site. I just received a warning from for - what I presume - is extensively using the word ****" (let us censor ourselves in the presence of the Lord) and calling other random users "utter toasters".

I really hope the joker who started that tournament got a far more angry message than I did. And the one who was linked in the second post of this thread.

Otherwise, I will consider calling it an utter travesty instead.
Yeah, i know. It's bad. We need a man who changes it. I suggest @Sir_Pinsalot as new unbenevolent dictator of Lichess. he will clean up all the scum :)
My friend already reported you on lichess. Also, bad words aren't allowed in the lichess policy.

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