
Play against @AllieTheChessBot, yet another human-like chess bot

Allie : Je n'accepte pas de défis avec ce contrôle de temps.
@liquidsun said in #11:
> Did they change its skill level? Only yesterday I beat Allie 7 games in a row.

@Super_BrainPower said in #13:
Yeah, this is right. The bot sees your strength (i.e. lichess rating) and tries to play at your level. We haven't made changes to the bot since release.
@Catastrov said in #12:
> Allie : Je n'accepte pas de défis avec ce contrôle de temps.

Désolé, je ne parle pas français, ceci est donc produit par Google Translate.

Actuellement, le bot n'accepte que les parties blitz occasionnelles d'une durée maximale de 2 secondes. Dans une prochaine version, je supprimerai la restriction d'incrémentation.
Interesting -- just played 2 games against it:
game 1, I had white, it played very solidly against my ALS and ground out a win in the endgame with KNPPP vs KR
game 2, it had white, played 1 h4 2 h5 and got mated in 9 moves >.<
played one game, rtJp8EtZ , then went to Analysis to see where I messed up, then went back and everything the bot said was gone(?) so idk the survey link. So guess I can discuss it here.

Allie did 1.e4 e5 2.Bc4 , which I dont remember seeing from anyone at all, kinda offbeat King's Gambit line. I went 2...Qh4+ and the game continued, where I messed up in the opening and got a little worse position. I brought it back to equality and she suddenly just gave me a knight for no reason on the 18th move with 18.Nf4??

She later let me do a pretty queen sac combination, accepted it, and was about to be mated in 2-3 moves. But she resigned after thinking for about 5-10sec, which I thought was cute.