
How do you play the Kan Siclian? (Black)

There is a book "The Most Flexible Sicilian" by Delchev and Semkov, a black repertoire book for 1.e4 c5 2.Nf3 e6. It starts with the Kan in the open sicilian, but recommends transposing to the Taimanov in some situations. I preferred this one to the Hellsten book.
Some people Kan't, it's just not for them.
I was interested in the Kan/Paulsen/Taimanov family of Sicilians a few years ago. Mostly got my backside kicked because I didn't understand what I was doing.
Delchev and Semkov call it "The Most Flexible Sicilian" for a reason. the play is very slow, very positional. If you like smash and grab tactics, forget it. Stick to the Najdorf or the Dragon.
It's really hard to say "this is how you play it" because both sides have to be flexible, both have to retain their options. Neither can commit to any clear attacking play until they have prevented the other's counter-play. Which in a lot of ways makes it an ideal defense for certain players. Not for me, but for certain players it provides the opportunity to draw opponents out and to provoke weaknesses while not committing themselves to any significant weakness. Think of Kasparov's use of the Sheveningen variation in his younger days. Or before that, of Ulf Andersson and Anatoly Karpov in the 70s and early 80s.
In short, it demands a subtle feel for weakness and the initiative that most players below master level just don't have. Certainly that I don't.

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