
Speech Recognition for making moves

Blind people don't know about chess; They're blind. Also, every blind person believes in god. They can't see, so they don't know that he doesn't exist.
#11 your post is a disgrace to blind people. There a lot of musicians, writers, scientists and athletes who are blind. So I can assume that such people can play chess just as easy as we do. Same about religion.
#10, it is indeed the international language. Chess notation is also pretty standard.

The problem lies in the pronunciation of individual letters. "A" is pronounced differently in several languages. Speaking from anecdotal experience, appears that English education for foreign speakers doesn't place much emphasis on the names of individual letters. That's why it might appear broken to non-English speakers (who still use the Latin alphabet; the rest will probably default to English)
Blind computer users usually use some screen reader and a Braille device.

To make Lichess accessible for blind chess players (of course they exist, I've played quite a few OTB), it might be sufficient to add keyboard move input and textual move output.
It would be sweet if you could connect to lichess using an ICS client but i suppose there must be some fundamental compatibility issues.
I find it a great idea. About the language issue, it could start with English and progressively getting adapted to other languages.
I might be too drunk but I fail to see the benefit of this.
Excellent benefit for many different kinds of disabled people. Not just blind people.

Blitzin had a plugin that worked with Windows XP but isn't compatible with later windows. Maybe that's somewhere to start for those programmers that are interested?

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