
I resigned and got a warning for letting my time run out instead of resigning

It wouldn't be the first time I resigned prematurely; I sometimes do that when I'm annoyed with how the opening has gone. But I notice that nobody telling me to play on has suggested a move. :)

And yes, I shouldn't have been flagged for not resigning when I resigned. It's not a huge deal as I understand that nobody gets suspended without a manual review of their games but I just wanted to flag it as an issue.
A good move in the final position seems to be Qg5, natural as it brings a major piece into the defense. After Bxf7+ Kh8 Qe4 (to get out of the annoying pin), Black might actually be better after g6! This is my calculation and it could be wrong, but it is enough to stand to reason that resigning was a decision that arose from extreme misevaluation.
Yeah that's the engine's choice and what else is there. As I said, it was a bullet game and I was annoyed by how the opening went. Have a good day

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