
Automatically changes the language to my locale

Hello guys,
I totally love this website, but there is one thing that keeps bugging me which I wanted to report:

I prefer the english version of lichess, even though I live in Germany. Which is why I would use the URL: (which is also the URL of my bookmark).
However, in my profile I selected 'Germany' as my country. Since I am always automatically logged in, the website always redirects me to the german version of lichess: even if I EXPLICITLY type in:
Therefore, in order to switch to my prefered language I always have to change it manually via the language menu EVERY TIME.
I get that this feature is a nice way to automatically determine the language "that is probably desired" by the user. That's why I am totally okay with setting "german" as the language when entering
But when I EXPLICITLY enter it is super annyoing to be redirected to the german version á la "we know what is better for you".
Another "way" of solving the problem is maybe to be able to select a prefered language in the profile settings (not only the 'country') which then could be set by the user as a default language.

Thanks in advance for taking my request into consideration!

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