
There should be a special icon/recognition for people who played x Days

I believe that there should be a icon for people who played X Days the same way patrons get their own icon

Don't know the best number yet but maybe either 10, 20, or 30 days would be good

I think it would be a nice way of showing that you are recognized here or proven to not be a cheater after playing for so long online.

What do you guys think?

I thought of this from my previous idea (Titled + Patrons Arena)

Instead of patrons I thought that veterans (people who played at least x days) should be the distinguishing factor instead to allow the masses to play in the titled arena.
So far I'm leaning on 20 days minimum time spent playing but who knows what's the best

I prefer time spent instead of number of games in order to prevent game spammers and reward classical & correspondence players too.
Sorry, not going to happen; people will do anything to get an icon/badge/trophy/etc. and other people will argue about what's fair/unfair & who deserves it & who doesn't.
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Maybe not an icon but could be a cool trophy. Penguins page will break even more.
@Toadofsky What?

This isn't a Marathon trophy that has limited slots or pretty much every trophy (which is almost all) which is capped by slots

Literally everyone on here could get the trophy (no quota count)

From amateur to GM as long as you play alot

Well at least this guy deserves a trophy

#7 But this is where the arguments begin: what constitutes "playing a lot"? Having a low RD? Playing many correspondence games? Playing with the AI, sitting 24 hours, then moving? Playing dozens of hyperbullet games?

Regardless how it could be implemented, people would find reasons to complain about who deserves it and who doesn't.
#8 @Toadofsky the time is literally written on everyone’s profile

There is a stat for it. What are you talking about?

Time spent playing: ...

I’d argue that complaints are far worse for something like the LM title. My suggestion isn’t too bad compared to that. What I am asking isn’t like a trophy to signify chess strength in any way whatsoever
@xXDaveXx OK, that seems sensible enough (although not everyone knows how that number is calculated; I certainly have no idea & don't know if it includes "play versus the machine", correspondence, tactics, chess basics, etc.)

Another design question would be about what threshold to use - whether it would effectively make the existing icon a "newbie" icon, or whether it would be too difficult/slow for most people to gain.

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