
Is there a possibillity to restore a 1500?

Hello again,

I not play rated games (Anti|Chess) due to alts, cheats n bots... but unfortunately I got drawn into a tourney due to an accident. I was asking: "is it rated?" and as a reply I got a "No". But the person in the chat referred to a Simuli he proposed in the same chat the same time. I figured it out during the second game because I got paired up straight after I had joined and had no time to recognize it.

Now I like to ask you that: "Is it possible to restore my account back to 1500? or do I have to live on with that scar? Especially after I run straight into an engine in my first rated game:
what an irony eh?

I just not want to make a new account because the rating I have right now gets me into some sort of "bug" trouble if I like to challenge other player due to their settings i.g. +/- 500 difference.
Before that, 1500? seems as it go undetected or as "not existing rating" and allows me to challenge anyone.

Thank you in advance and I am looking forward to hear for you.

"LOL"? Are you sure your deserve your wings for that? Open your dictionary and search for "patronage"! Anyway, Yes I lost that game and I lost to an engine too. But that's not the point here. I ask for restore my 1500? since I not play rated at all. Get it? Hope you can contribute a bit more now then "LOL".

Message Thibault. If anyone can do it or know how, it would probably be him
Thanks Link ... : ) I think I will...
A rating system loses integrity when any manual changes are made (ironically, a player who consistently cheats & has a consistent good or bad performance doesn't challenge the integrity of the rating system).
OK, so .. in other words: a) live with it or b) new acc.
Then I go by c) I'll keep my scar and will open a cheater account. :D

Thank you for the information.
Well... I'm not a mod so I don't get the final say in the matter; I'm just saying it's not difficult for you to win a single game and increase your rating back to 1500, and (regardless what lichess believes) it hurts a rating ecosystem for any manual changes to be made to it.

FIRST of all, you have played TWO rated games, not just one against an engine. The engine lost you 11 points. The second defeat was the big one - that lost you 171 points. If you win a couple of games you'll soon get it back. Your score is how good you are at a particular time. If so many people are cheating, as you claim (and on your profile too) it means the points system doesn't really count... in which case you shouldn't really be bothered by it. Anyway, you can't 'be drawn into' playing rated games. You get to see before you start whether or not they are rated. I'm sure, had you won against the two opponents, you wouldn't be protesting your score on here, would you? You appear to be doing the chess equivalent of having a one night stand and wanting the STD to be taken back :D

SECOND of all, I won my wings for being a donor - I GAVE a donation to lichess. So yes, I deserve the wings.

FINALLY, if you want to make friends round here, I suggest losing the passive-aggressive attitude. Whether intended or not, it certainly sounds like you have quite a bit of anger in there. Chill man!


1. Yes, didn't I wrote it here? No, sorry I wrote the "second game" part in my Team post. Because I pointed out that I had run into an engine. OK>>>
1st. engine,
2nd. normal player where I stopped the game -in game- by pushing the resign button after I realized I am on rated. Nothing to hide.

2. "You get to see before you start whether or not they are rated"
I get to see it if I wanted to join while the ticker is running down. Yes.
Right After? No. >> <<
Please see in the link. Its a screenshot, taken right after the ticker reached zero and the first matches just had started. It doesn't indicate anything. Where? Afterwards I can see (its rated or not) if player received their rating and points for the first game or just points. Seems as there are people who are taking a look into this matter and working for a solution.

3. "you wouldn't be protesting your score on here, would you?" Honestly? I would. Because I not want to play rated at all -no matter if I win or not. May be some day but I am feed up with those alts, engines n stuff.. makes no fun. I like cas and experimenting which gives good results too.

4."You appear to be doing the chess equivalent of having a one night stand and wanting the STD to be taken back :D" Not sure what it has to do with my situation at all but seems as it is something important to you. See a doctor!

5."SECOND of all, I won my wings for being a donor - I GAVE a donation to lichess. So yes, I deserve the wings." Then Lichess should change the system. To be a "donor" or to be a "patron' are two pair of boots. Yo must be proud of not to understand what I had tried to tell you. Open your dictionary and search for "patron" or "patronage" again and look beyond the 5bucks you paid.

>> Hint "like a person that can give an good advise or offer help, big brother, etc".

6. "FINALLY, if you want to make friends round here, I suggest losing the passive-aggressive attitude. Whether intended or not, it certainly sounds like you have quite a bit of anger in there. Chill man!"

>>"passive-aggressive attitude"? Seriously? :D If you ask for help and get a "LOL" and "You lost. That's your real score." pua... + sentences filled with STD and etc. and asking me to chill.. How old are you? *face palm*. No mirror around or? I was looking for help by the likes of a Toadofsky and not by Trolls. Don't get me wrong, I have friends, I am chilled and have humor rather then anger. But what I need the last is a "LOL" on a question. Think about.


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