Donate thoughts & ideas

Name some things that you would like to see in this website.
Things that in your opinion, would improve the gameplay/enjoyment of the players!

In my opinion, i would like to:

♦Have the possibility to go back and check my moves "in-game", and have the movelist next to the board while playing.
(Unfortunately here it is only possible in the end)
♦The possibility to edit our replies & posts in the forum. is the best website to play chess.
Why not help improve it even more? :)

Tell us what would you add/improve !


I think it will be great if there is possibility to play Swedish chess ( 4 players on 2 chessboards at a time)
In the form of training could put a button "view solution" when an exercise is failed.

Sorry for my bad english.
FM jorquerino, it is possible to view the solution when you fail, just click the moving arrows down bellow
Well another thing that I would like to have, but i dont know if that is easy to do or not, is when you export all the games from someone, it comes in a weird file opened in M.Exel...
It would be awesome if they all came in a .pgn file!
I would also appreciate a move list in-game and the ability to export all my games as pgn.
Yes Koji , it seems the biggest shortcoming of this v.good site. Strange it is not fixed for such a long time.....(maybe such a policy -if U want to see your games open lichess in browser ,instead of offline program on your computer....)

Also lichess depends on websockets technology , if not for lichess I would disable it totally in firefox (about:config) for safety&privacy reasons .
Any tip how to make sure it will be accesible only for ?

It would be perfect to have small client just like babaschess for FICS .

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