
Puzzles by game opening

Amazing idea! <3 It would indeed be cool if you could get some deeper subvariations, like by ECO code maybe?

There are opening lines that have sort of their own unique "language" of tactics, if that makes sense. To give some examples, I'm thinking of Botvinnik Semi-Slav, Marshall Gambit, Benko Gambit Accepted, IQP Panov things, Mainline Dragon and other open sicilians...

These are the types of openings that you'd profit most from studying in this way, because they often rely on concrete patterns that are rarely found outside of those structures. :) On the other hand, some of the current opening options are just first moves (1. g3, 1. Nf3), which will end up feeling exactly like a regular puzzle collection because the structure is completely undefined on move 1.
Idea : for each opening, having the choice to pratice only with white, only with black or with both colors. Great job

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