
Takeback-function and its use

I really want to know how you are use the "takeback" function.

Since I play on lichess, I use it for so called missclicks, mouseslips, technical issues and also for "stupid" things like wrong pre moves or even if a wrong move is made due to inattention.

But often there a players with an attitude "your fault", "in chess there are no takeback", *angry comments*.

How do you handle this thing?
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No takebacks for me in offical events or in Rated games unless I am going to win anyway / other explicit reasons.

I allow in casual because its all practise.

Same with friends / strangers.
Only ask for takeback if it is a technical issue, for inattention that is part of the game and i wont give u a takeback for that
only allow takebacks when its an obvious mouse slip or in casual games
Reading the comments of the people that have it enabled lead me to believe its use is to make people bitter and angry.

The best way to handle problems with takeback is to disable it.
I feel guilty if I don't give a takeback, and would never ask for one myself so I disable it.

Errors, such as misclicks are all part of the game online - you win some, you lose some - just take the rough with the smooth.
I believe takeback to be a completely useless function hence I have disabled it.
If you like it and use it good for you I guess. But nobody should ever be upset for someone not giving you a takeback or having it disabled.

But if you mouse slip - your fault. Accidentally click a pre-move your fault. Make a blunder your fault. It's online chess so I believe the two things to be true:
1. Mouse skills - speed and precision are as important to the game as tactics and strategy.
2. If you lose a game it doesn't really matter.
I would never ask for a takeback and therefore they always irritate me in rated games. Disabled in rated games for me.

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