
Puzzle 10328

I missed the first move ( it seemed too obvious to take the bishop, I thought it was something do with Qd5 with mate threat ) but once I took the bishop moves are straightforward, it came really as a shock that after Rxf7 Nd8 why on Earth should I move my knight when I have a clear mate starting with Rxg2+. I checked it with the engine, it is mate in 3, while the solution is just +15.
Confirming that there is a mate threat after pond to g7, stockfish says it is mate in 9 and starts with rook d2, but it is surely obvious that there is one and it is not with the rook on f.
Also, my stockfish would reply with Te2 at depth 23 (or interestingly enough would consider Lg5? to follow up with Te1) but at a search depth of 19, it shortly came up with the pond move but dropped it shortly after.
Sorry to have spread misinformation, I apparently missed a pond for stockfish... Still, best suggested move in depth 26 is Kxg7, not rook
This kind of problems is what makes lichess tactics trainer bad.
First, white is up too much material from the start. (that means you can win even if you miss any tactics, easily).
Second, after Qxc2 there are just too many ways to win the game, and they bare no instructive value, even the best continuations from the point of view of Stockfish on good depth often fail here.
Third, which is mentioned by the OP — problems are just not analyzed deep enough, that's why a mate in 3 is completely missed in the trainer.
Managing tactics trainer problems requires human attention. But at least problems in which the side having a tactical shot has material advantage could be thrown out automatically - this would provide some guranatee that not almost all legal moves are winning for the side having the tactics.

Now that I looked at it again, even the move 1. ... Qd5 which came to my mind as a mate threat ( which really isn't that dangerous because of Nf3 followed by Be4 ) is +6 for black, so easily winning ( black has a pawn a queen for two minor pieces in the end ).
Sorry, a queen and a pawn for a rook after 1. ... Qd5. Even better.

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