
Features we users need in Lichess !

I found that using studies with 'interactive lesson' mode on lichess is perfect for learning tactics and openings. You can put every 'tricky' position you want and train it over and over again. For more sophisticated stuff, there is always chessable (on my level lichess is all I need).
@JamariTheGreat - totally agree I too hate so many things about chessdotcom ,but the reason I am saying multiple premoves is that so many times players lose mate in 2 ,3 just because the time is up. I don't think that's fair when the opponent has played really badly and still manages to win on time. Just that.
* Outside of game windows, show tv icon instead of green circle when a player currently plays a game. Click observes.
* Include old master games in opening explorer
* Show the move made in this position in games in opening explorer.
* Globally minmax the computer evaluated positions Lichess has and show the eval in opening explorer
* support human readable evals (+=, -+, = etc)
* Pair faster in slower time controls.
* Try again classical tourns non stop.
* Markdown for links, lists, inline/block-code, empathic/bold text, quotes, one heading.
* Forum category where users anonymously suggest puzzles. Only diagrams, down/upvotes decide. Edit: better just upvotes
* Notifications on start page can be clicked away.
* Include Bot list in the top lists, simplify bot account creation, autopairing for Bots (only with other bots of course).
* Remove "Lichess says ..." from Comments in PGNS imported into studies
* Implement multiple solution tactics
* fix history back/forward navigation in studies/relays/tactics trainer
@chess_er_101 you shouldn't be playing bullet if you can't play fast enough. if you lose on time the game wasn't really won on time. You keep your opponents under pressure by playing move that cause them trouble. If they play fast it might not end well for them. if they play too slow the will run out of time. some players find a balance. Some players are too slow(it's speed chess) some players are too fast(that's why they get crushed). When you have all these and more of these you are a better bullet player. Most players at the 1100 level have none of these. can't play a good game intuitively and are very slow. grandmasters can play a good game in 30 seconds. Being fast is good but not without good chess. Good chess is good but not without good speed. Got me? If i were to play much lower rated bullet players, it might end in less than 30 or even 20 moves. not only because i am fast. that's why bullet chess exists. you need to be fast and good.

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