
How to play Minecraft

I can't move my player in Minecraft properly. I keep losing!!!! How do I get victories?!?!??!?!?!
@chessgames_nivaan said in #1:
> How do I get victories?!?!??!?!?!
I don’t think you understand how Minecraft works also you need to tell us what you play on so we can help with you not being able to movedl
Uh bedrock or java moblie or pc or switch or consle if
You can play in several ways. Some people like PvP, construction, survivals por other things. Let me know what you are asking for and I'll be happy to explain it to you.
@chessgames_nivaan said in #1:
> I can't move my player in Minecraft properly. I keep losing!!!! How do I get victories?!?!??!?!?!

Bed wars?
- Play on 1.8
- Practice PVP (yes, I know you hate that word) - BUT IT HELPS ME
- Lower your mouse sensitivity
- Use WASD and a proper mouse (not a trackpad, you Bedrock players).

Monster Fighting
- If on 1.9+
- Use shields
- Practice

That's my POV when I was a noob too.
If you Indian you should see the suffering of ezio18
@chessgames_nivaan said in #1:
> I can't move my player in Minecraft properly. I keep losing!!!! How do I get victories?!?!??!?!?!
it’s easy if u play in creative
The simple idea is that first you need to mine. Only then you'll be able to craft.

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