
Norway Chess: 2 rounds later

On round 1 Nakamura - Giri IM @lovlas seems a bit harsh by awarding 47...Ke7 two ??. The endgame was probably lost anyway.

On the contrary 28...Rxb2? seems like the real error. Black's chances of surviving would have been better with 4 rooks on the board.
Yeah that lovlas guy can be a bit harsh at times. But as far as I can tell 47...Ke7 really is a decisive mistake. Sure the endgame is horrible for black but I couldn't find a way for white to convert if black plays perfectly. I also agree that 28...Rxb2 is an inaccuracy. The ideal defense for black seems to be to keep both rooks on the board and just defend the a7 pawn. I'll make sure to add that to the study.
You are right, I have also tried in vain to find a win after 47...Nc5.

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