
new team PM quotas

@AaRaMk said in #92:
> @WillBeAGrandMaster your experience was 1 year ago and yes @Aggressive_Player1 is right. Ok, atleast get a 100 members team and get 50players to ur tournament with just 1message. Nevermind but 4600 members team hardly gain 50 in 1 message how would you gain? Try to understand that 1isnt enough. Not trying to insult you by saying u can't get players join ur tournament.

he doesnt have even experience also
just 450 members team
dont say that as experience
@WillBeAGrandMaster if u are experienced and having an team with 500 members and able to get 50 players in a tmt in just a message
prove it before talking here
@AaRaMk u are 100% correct
@MMwase said in #79:
> @WillBeAGrandMaster said in #78:
> @MMwase
> You are encouraging Thibault to decrease it again , so just stop protesting and be happy with such a good change for the maximum number of people ( except for team addicted leaders ) .
> Dude. The change is horrible. That’s what I’m saying.
> This message reduction is hugely it then he’s really unconvincing very active teams.
> All I want to do is give my players great Daily Cash tournaments. If not enough join then the tournament will be shortened and eventually, no one will play! So because of this needless “update” my team has to completely change.
> I don’t like it. And literally nothing will change my mind.
> Also, @cFlour and @WillBeAGrandMaster both of you are not even trying to look at my point of view.
> So if you won’t try to understand then don’t act like I’m doing something wrong by sharing my thoughts.

@MMwase don't exaggerate things. I am also a leader in an active team and we can survive with even one message per day. Just send everyone a message to check to check upcoming tournaments. It should be enough. If you think it isn't, you can DM all the team members personally.
@cFlour said in #94:
> @MMwase said in #79:
> @WillBeAGrandMaster said in #78:
> @MMwase
> You are encouraging Thibault to decrease it again , so just stop protesting and be happy with such a good change for the maximum number of people ( except for team addicted leaders ) .
> Dude. The change is horrible. That’s what I’m saying.
> This message reduction is hugely it then he’s really unconvincing very active teams.
> All I want to do is give my players great Daily Cash tournaments. If not enough join then the tournament will be shortened and eventually, no one will play! So because of this needless “update” my team has to completely change.
> I don’t like it. And literally nothing will change my mind.
> Also, @cFlour and @WillBeAGrandMaster both of you are not even trying to look at my point of view.
> So if you won’t try to understand then don’t act like I’m doing something wrong by sharing my thoughts.
> @MMwase don't exaggerate things. I am also a leader in an active team and we can survive with even one message per day. Just send everyone a message to check to check upcoming tournaments. It should be enough. If you think it isn't, you can DM all the team members personally.

@cFlour DMing isn’t allowed. Pawn Stars 2 got temporarily banned for it.
So this is a bit of a tough situation lol
Looks like there is no use arguing with this guy who doesn't listen. Its your fault if you can't manage it. If you protest so much, thibault may make it that team DMing isn't allowed.
@cFlour what do you mean?
I am saying that personally 1 message is not enough. Remember, my team isn’t your team. They are different.
Also, please read

All these rules apply to private chat as well. So if I were to DM people, I would get banned.

I’m not trying to be unreasonable. But this change simply means nothing good for me.
Unless something convinces me otherwise.
@cFlour said in #94:
> @MMwase said in #79:
> @WillBeAGrandMaster said in #78:
> @MMwase
> You are encouraging Thibault to decrease it again , so just stop protesting and be happy with such a good change for the maximum number of people ( except for team addicted leaders ) .
> Dude. The change is horrible. That’s what I’m saying.
> This message reduction is hugely it then he’s really unconvincing very active teams.
> All I want to do is give my players great Daily Cash tournaments. If not enough join then the tournament will be shortened and eventually, no one will play! So because of this needless “update” my team has to completely change.
> I don’t like it. And literally nothing will change my mind.
> Also, @cFlour and @WillBeAGrandMaster both of you are not even trying to look at my point of view.
> So if you won’t try to understand then don’t act like I’m doing something wrong by sharing my thoughts.
> @MMwase don't exaggerate things. I am also a leader in an active team and we can survive with even one message per day. Just send everyone a message to check to check upcoming tournaments. It should be enough. If you think it isn't, you can DM all the team members personally.

We can't DM all the players personally
If we do like that our team will be blocked as the same reason of pawn stars
And send your team name
We dakings are keeping daily Cash tmts
And we can't give Cash to the players for free
If you want to prove it prove it with a 500 member team with 50 players in it with just one message
Then u will feel it how bad lichess made this rule
@cFlour said in #96:
> Looks like there is no use arguing with this guy who doesn't listen. Its your fault if you can't manage it. If you protest so much, thibault may make it that team DMing isn't allowed.

I don't want to insult you in public
This is lichess problem
I don't want to insult even Thibault as he is the creator of lichess and to not public shame
First send your team link
Then send any tournament where you can bring 50 players in it without private messaging anybody and sending just 1 message
Then prove it that it is our problem
Then we will accept it
Hello everyone!

1. People prefer to be informed rather than waste time looking for new information by themselves. The vast majority of people need these messages, otherwise why don't they unsubscribe immediately? For comparison: do you read/watch ready-made news or search for primary sources by yourself? Do you every 15 minutes ask everyone if there is any news? If you look for the primary sources by yourself, how much time do you spend on it?

2. By default, the initial purpose of the team messages is precisely mass informing of the team members. So, it is wrong to say that this is some kind of spam or other negative feature. This is a free news subscription that can be canceled at any time without loss.

3. The content of the messages is a completely different question. This is a question of the team leaders' work quality. Bad content in messages of some concrete teams does not undermine the need for messages and enough messages in general. With good content, any reasonable number of messages will be a little.

4. If 1 message a day (or no messages at all) is enough for someone, this shouldn't be considered as enough for everyone. This is not the case, obviously. We have to work in the spirit of giving due consideration to the concerns of all.

5. Regarding the tournaments.

5.1. In general, people prefer to play in tournaments with more participants, not less, because tournaments are designed to play with different opponents, not the same ones. If anybody want to play with the same opponent, he could use a personal challenge or the lobby and don't need join the teams. Team tournaments have a different purpose.

5.2. When you inform people about the start of a tournament (or its continuation), more people are participating than when you don't do that. It is a fact. For example, let Lichess start informing users about the start of its hourly / daily tournaments (with the ability to unsubscribe from notifications), and you will see that there will be much more participants.

5.3. The advice to people to check doesn't work because most people can’t check all the time, and even those who check are constantly late for the tournament, joining when it has already started (maybe, long ago). Check out the hourly / daily Lichess tournaments - the majority of people prefer to join the tournaments already started. Only those who play non-stop join at the beginning. A small part of people join in advance, and often they do not play. The tournaments are played by players who want to play here and now, so notifications about the start of a team tournament are necessary, and this is correct, unless, of course, you care. Some people feel that the lack of an invitation (them and other team members) is a sign of disrespect or other negative behavior; they don't want to come by themselves without invitation.

5.3.1. In addition, there is . This is the 2nd page… Do we offer people to rush between these pages, monitoring where the desired team tournament will appear? Do we really think people have nothing else to do? People prefer to play and not waste time on such nonsense, so they will not monitor the pages. Therefore, notifications about the team tournaments start are necessary, it is much more convenient.

5.4. Let's look at an example. Let's say I decided to create an arena for 1 hour, right now. If I don't send a team message, only 1-2 people will come on their own within an hour, because nobody online is monitoring new tournaments in real time (other part of the team is offline). If I send a notification about the tournament start, then more people will come, definitely, because those who are online will know about the start at the same time and precisely at the beginning, not “sometime later”. Those who are interested can just click the link. They don't need to do anything else, they don't need to monitor anything, they don't need to go to any pages like or or, no need to look for anything or anyone.
Let's say we played this tournament and I want to create another arena, with other time control, for those who prefer it. If we have a limit of 1 message a day, then I will not be able to send an invitation to people who are online and interested in the tournament. They are not sitting and staring at the monitor to the page with tournaments list, they are doing other business. So, it's the end, game over, there will be no tournament, because at the right moment there will not be enough participants. What for is this restriction of the rights? What does it give? Do people come to the team to play, participate in the team life, or count the messages in the mailbox and complain about it, as well about the team?
Moreover, what if I create 5-10 such arenas during the day (for example, with control of 0.5-1 min for 30 min)? Without notification online team members will not be able to find out suitable tournament at the same time.
Someone could ask: what bars me from creating these tournaments in advance and inform with 1 message? 1) Everything that can be planned, will be planned, but it will take my time. So, not in every instance there will be an opportunity to waste time on this. 2) There are things that cannot be planned. There are spontaneous desires, there is lack of knowledge "when, who and what." Therefore, there are still spontaneous events, and they should be, this is a team life, it's not "doing nothing". 3) Even if I could schedule all the tournaments of a year in advance, I would need to notify people about the start of each tournament, for example, I created 10 different tournaments on the same day at different times, I need to notify the team members about the start of each tournament; if this is not done, the tournaments will have less participants (or not at all) than if this is done - this is a fact, this is a strict rule. Tournaments are created for people to play them, not to don't play, and informing is convenient as for team leaders, so the tournaments participants, because they receive a notification at the tournament start and they don't need to do anything, don't need to monitor something, search for other players, they just need to decide whether they are interested in this particular tournament or not. Everything else has already been done for them. To all those who whine, complain, etc., there are always two pieces of advice: either 1) just leave the team, because you don't want to play with it; or 2) if you want to play with the team, but you do not need messages, then just disable the subscription (you can disable it temporarily), monitor everything yourself, ask questions to the team leader personally when it's convenient for you. And that's all. What problems? I see no problem. Why whine? Therefore, I see no point in restriction of the rights to send team messages.

6. I don't prefer position "that's fine as it is", I prefer "how to do better?" This is in line with the philosophy of chess. Is innovation about limiting and reducing the ability to send team messages in this case a "how to do better" position? I don’t feel that way.

7. Maybe it's time for interested team leaders to survey team members whether they support this innovation from @thibault or not.

8. In any case, my main recommendations remains in force, message #68.

Best wishes!
@FischerRandomChess said in #100:
> Hello everyone!
> 1. People prefer to be informed rather than waste time looking for new information by themselves. The vast majority of people need these messages, otherwise why don't they unsubscribe immediately? For comparison: do you read/watch ready-made news or search for primary sources by yourself? Do you every 15 minutes ask everyone if there is any news? If you look for the primary sources by yourself, how much time do you spend on it?
> 2. By default, the initial purpose of the team messages is precisely mass informing of the team members. So, it is wrong to say that this is some kind of spam or other negative feature. This is a free news subscription that can be canceled at any time without loss.
> 3. The content of the messages is a completely different question. This is a question of the team leaders' work quality. Bad content in messages of some concrete teams does not undermine the need for messages and enough messages in general. With good content, any reasonable number of messages will be a little.
> 4. If 1 message a day (or no messages at all) is enough for someone, this shouldn't be considered as enough for everyone. This is not the case, obviously. We have to work in the spirit of giving due consideration to the concerns of all.
> 5. Regarding the tournaments.
> 5.1. In general, people prefer to play in tournaments with more participants, not less, because tournaments are designed to play with different opponents, not the same ones. If anybody want to play with the same opponent, he could use a personal challenge or the lobby and don't need join the teams. Team tournaments have a different purpose.
> 5.2. When you inform people about the start of a tournament (or its continuation), more people are participating than when you don't do that. It is a fact. For example, let Lichess start informing users about the start of its hourly / daily tournaments (with the ability to unsubscribe from notifications), and you will see that there will be much more participants.
> 5.3. The advice to people to check doesn't work because most people can’t check all the time, and even those who check are constantly late for the tournament, joining when it has already started (maybe, long ago). Check out the hourly / daily Lichess tournaments - the majority of people prefer to join the tournaments already started. Only those who play non-stop join at the beginning. A small part of people join in advance, and often they do not play. The tournaments are played by players who want to play here and now, so notifications about the start of a team tournament are necessary, and this is correct, unless, of course, you care. Some people feel that the lack of an invitation (them and other team members) is a sign of disrespect or other negative behavior; they don't want to come by themselves without invitation.
> 5.3.1. In addition, there is . This is the 2nd page… Do we offer people to rush between these pages, monitoring where the desired team tournament will appear? Do we really think people have nothing else to do? People prefer to play and not waste time on such nonsense, so they will not monitor the pages. Therefore, notifications about the team tournaments start are necessary, it is much more convenient.
> 5.4. Let's look at an example. Let's say I decided to create an arena for 1 hour, right now. If I don't send a team message, only 1-2 people will come on their own within an hour, because nobody online is monitoring new tournaments in real time (other part of the team is offline). If I send a notification about the tournament start, then more people will come, definitely, because those who are online will know about the start at the same time and precisely at the beginning, not “sometime later”. Those who are interested can just click the link. They don't need to do anything else, they don't need to monitor anything, they don't need to go to any pages like or or, no need to look for anything or anyone.
> Let's say we played this tournament and I want to create another arena, with other time control, for those who prefer it. If we have a limit of 1 message a day, then I will not be able to send an invitation to people who are online and interested in the tournament. They are not sitting and staring at the monitor to the page with tournaments list, they are doing other business. So, it's the end, game over, there will be no tournament, because at the right moment there will not be enough participants. What for is this restriction of the rights? What does it give? Do people come to the team to play, participate in the team life, or count the messages in the mailbox and complain about it, as well about the team?
> Moreover, what if I create 5-10 such arenas during the day (for example, with control of 0.5-1 min for 30 min)? Without notification online team members will not be able to find out suitable tournament at the same time.
> Someone could ask: what bars me from creating these tournaments in advance and inform with 1 message? 1) Everything that can be planned, will be planned, but it will take my time. So, not in every instance there will be an opportunity to waste time on this. 2) There are things that cannot be planned. There are spontaneous desires, there is lack of knowledge "when, who and what." Therefore, there are still spontaneous events, and they should be, this is a team life, it's not "doing nothing". 3) Even if I could schedule all the tournaments of a year in advance, I would need to notify people about the start of each tournament, for example, I created 10 different tournaments on the same day at different times, I need to notify the team members about the start of each tournament; if this is not done, the tournaments will have less participants (or not at all) than if this is done - this is a fact, this is a strict rule. Tournaments are created for people to play them, not to don't play, and informing is convenient as for team leaders, so the tournaments participants, because they receive a notification at the tournament start and they don't need to do anything, don't need to monitor something, search for other players, they just need to decide whether they are interested in this particular tournament or not. Everything else has already been done for them. To all those who whine, complain, etc., there are always two pieces of advice: either 1) just leave the team, because you don't want to play with it; or 2) if you want to play with the team, but you do not need messages, then just disable the subscription (you can disable it temporarily), monitor everything yourself, ask questions to the team leader personally when it's convenient for you. And that's all. What problems? I see no problem. Why whine? Therefore, I see no point in restriction of the rights to send team messages.
> 6. I don't prefer position "that's fine as it is", I prefer "how to do better?" This is in line with the philosophy of chess. Is innovation about limiting and reducing the ability to send team messages in this case a "how to do better" position? I don’t feel that way.
> 7. Maybe it's time for interested team leaders to survey team members whether they support this innovation from @thibault or not.
> 8. In any case, my main recommendations remains in force, message #68.
> Best wishes!

Please say it shortly not like big big essays
please say it like which understands properly for everyone in few sentences
hey @thibault
plenty teams are suffering with just 1 message per day
we couldnt also message cash tmts which where celebrated as birthdays which we couldnt change date
because of that tournaments which had big prize fund were going with less players
so this is happening for all the teams and most leaders are suffering and people are leave our teams
so please try to change it to 4 messages per day
so it can be an good relief

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