
What is the best way to review opening repertoire that I've built in lichess studies?

I have built my opening repertoire in lichess studies. For example, I have a study for the Nimzo Indian as Black, with different chapters for each major White setup against the Nimzo, with a number of lines in each chapter and copious notes on why each move is being played. Each time I play a game, afterward I compare it to the repertoire and make updates/additions when appropriate. This all works very well, with one exception - I don't have a good way to study my repertoire and review what I've built on a regular basis. I know I can export PGN files and make private chessable courses out of them and used their spaced repetition approach, but then I've got my repertoire in two different systems that I need to maintain and put updates in. I'd love to do my review/study of my repertoire using only lichess - does anyone have tips or suggestions on how to do this?
Download Lichess Tools for Chrome. It's a great extension. Then, make an "Interactive Lesson" chapter with all the pgns merged together so it has every line. The Octopus will play a random line each time you go through it. Notice the "practice all lines" chapter in this study You can even control the frequency it plays each line by putting a comment on the move so it will play the main line more often than some weird sideline gambit.

Lichess tools download:

Thank you @totalnoob69 for creating and maintaining Lichess Tools.

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