
Feature Request: "Report Line"

A lot of the time when I catch cheaters, it's not even people I played against. It's because I was going through the opening explorer and some non-intuitive, 15 move line crops up as the weird engine suggestion. Then I look at some of the games and see if the accounts seem suspicious. I've caught a ton of cheaters this way.

There should be a way to report these super-suspicious lines from the analysis board, assuming there are only 10 or 20 (or whatever cutoff you want) people who have played it, and it's an engine line. It'd trigger a review on those games/players. You'd catch a ton of cheaters this way.
@turbojerboa But what if these are theoretical lines played by experts or masters? You can just report the player if it seems sus and provide the link to the game.
@kaissa44 if they really are not cheating, they won't get banned. There are other factors to consider as well (like move times, window blurs, etc). It's not like lichess will ban someone for every report they get.
@kaissa44 It would trigger reviews on non-cheaters as well, but yeah, hopefully they just wouldn't get banned. My impression is that Lichess is -very- careful, maybe even too careful, about not accidentally banning a non-cheater.

Anyway, I would be happy to give some examples of how easy it is to catch cheaters this way, but I'm worried the thread might get shut down if I started that. So I just suggest that people try it themselves. The Scotch and Two Knights are both great places where you will run across many rare computer lines; start going down the rabbit hole and you will find yourself at a lot of "account terminated" players pretty quick!
I think its a very good idea if somehow you can narrow it down to only middlegame and endgame engine lines.

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