
What is your favorite choice against 1. d4?

Hey guys,
I'm preparing for an important and quite strong tournament, and I want to have a solid overall opening repertoire. But I somehow can't find the right opening against 1. d4 with black...
I already played around with the Old-Benoni, the Slav, the Knights Tango, the Budapest Gambit, the Kings- and Queens-Indian Defense, the Hippo and so on, but every single one of them was not perfectly suitable for me...
I like sharp and tactical postions, but I also play the Caro-Kann and enjoy more solid gameplay.
What are you guys playing when you want to seriously counter 1. d4?
I'm especially courious about some rare counters, I want to avoid the mainstream openings where my opponent is more experienced than me...
Thanks everyone!
So you like tactical play, but you also like the caro?
Have you tried the semi slav?
Have you tried the dutch, or KID?
Grunfeld? (Although you can only play grunfeld if they go 3. Nc3 or if you can transpose into a grunfeld position after)
Grünfeld is great : underrated, great, played at top level, very tactical, unfamiliar to white 1.d4 players at amateur level.
Thanks a lot for the great advice, I will check them out!
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@Waiting4BirnamWood said in #6:
> 1. ... b5 - The Polish Defense
> Spassky played it in the 1966 WCC match against Petrosian (see game 22). The line 1. d4 b5 2. e4 Lb7 3. Lxb5 Lxe4 is the so-called Spassky Gambit accepted.
> It's like the Alekhine against e4 - not the best choice for black, but playable.
That's interesting, thanks for your advice! Is it playable for longer time controls? Are there lines where white gets an advantage if he finds the best moves?
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My favourite response is 1...d5 and f7-f5 at the right moment, the Dutch defense. For example: 1. d4 d5 2. c4 e6 3. Nc3 f5.

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