
streaming - link to board and chess clock


I would like to make my stream look better by having the board and clock show on the screen in separate sections. Can anyone please tell me how to do so? An example would be agadmator's stream where the board and clock are in separate sections:

Thank you.

Edit 1: This thread with a video tutorial helped:

Edit 2: However, I'm still unable to figure out how agadmator has the clock in a separate section of the stream.

Edit 3: I figured out how to do it. The solution is to create two browser sources in OBS. I cropped one browser source to just include the board, and then cropped the other browser source to just include the clock, move list, and ratings.

Constructively speaking, wouldn't it have been easier, quicker and more efficient to simply have asked Agadmator how he does what he does?

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