
Kb and Kb and Kb...

Hey guys, just played the daily ultrabullet tournament and I am getting mad at kb.
I respect people that play with kb but I really hate some things of it. For example: Today on the daily ultra tournament, I have played with a kb player several games (he is 1900-2000 kb player) I had 4 seconds and he had one and just the king. I started moving my pieces to checkmate but he was so fast and flag me. This happened two times not counting other examples from today. I really would like to kb be banned. I'm not saying @BerserkAsIfYouWereMad job isn't incredible (because it's incredible), I'm just saying that is unfair as a lot of people can play with it.
Hi all,

There are a lot of mixed opinions about this.

Instead of "banning" something, why won't you make a team of players who don't use kb, then create your own tourneys there?

This way everybody can play the way they want.

@Cocorichess I think there is a concern with rated games in the pool because if one wants to improve their ratings they won't know whether they're facing a kb user or a non kb user.
I agree with what you're saying about a team and the tourneys, that's the simple way to do it - the only problem that poses is getting the players in these events and clubs, and even if this does happen and the tournaments are rated within the team, you'd still be facing the same players repeatedly and therefore wouldn't get as accurate of a rating as you would get otherwise.

There's a big debate between the ethics of kb users and I've definitely been flagged by people because they used a keyboard.
However I agree with your suggestion and the majority of people could just find a team, there are certainly enough of them and a couple big ones.
I'd prefer to stay out of the politics though. The simple solution I offer is to play rapid :)
I think the reason of using KB is that you are faster than your opponent - if they all together would have a KB they all also could let it and not use one. So I think it's a good idea to separate the KB users and non KB.
But how you deal then that smartphone players are also faster than regular mouse players. Then you should separate them too.
And maybe we also should separate people with bad connection from some with good. :)
I'm kidding - I really stay behind that Lichess always work on development to make it fair as possible.
Maybe they really should think about separate the KB users or just make it not allowed - because it is only used to get an advantage with using other hardware. And that's questionable I think.
Yeah I agree. There's no clear way to resolve everything.
If we section everyone off into little groups then there's no-one left in the pool which would be a problem
@CJ58 @Cocorichess maybe they should calculate how much better a player is with KB and when you use KB they set you on that amount of rating - that the same good players would be at the same rating-level. How this could be made - I think Thibault would find a way - not me :)
Like when you berserk - you get more but also get taken away something - so it would say - if you use KB your Rating gets 200 points up and after the Tournament it takes this 200 away - so you face players who are the same good without an extension.
Hi guys,

I originally responded because of the trendy use of the word "ban".

The idea that it's ok to restrict the freedom of other people just because we don't like something doesn't fit with me. (for me it's like if you enjoy walking and ask the government to ban cars and bikes just because you think it's unfair that they go faster). But I probably take it too deep. And I don't really want to debate this here.

Regarding the kb rating, honestly, I've never lost so much rating since it appeared. I am struggling to get back to 2000 in ultra, when before the whole kb situation my highest rating was over 2150. Same with bullet, finding it hard to reach 2200 when I had 2400+. So I'm not sure the kb gives a clear advantage (to me it doesn't seem to increase my rating ... but i think it's mainly because i play against much faster players than me, and maybe the connection plays a part).

Alright, I don't want to make any controversy on the topic. I'll just say that to me, it's not cheating as you still have to pick which piece to move and where (although clearly it's not at all the same than picking a piece and placing it on a definitive square like normal).
I agree with @KingThisPawn : you can't segregate everybody based on whether they play on phone/internet connection etc.
And I agree with @CJ58 : the main solution is to play "real chess", rapid and up, or any time control with increment.
I even agree with @L_Macc : buddy it's true that without the kb I would have lost the games. But maybe without kb I would have made sure to play better moves during the games and the result would have been different too, who knows :) anyway, ggs
@Cocorichess, I'm just saying that annoys me when I'm up at the clock with a winning position and I lose because kb. This doesn't mean I don't respect kb, I really do as it's legal, but idk, I prefer when kb didn't exist...
Greetings from Spain
@L_Macc If you don't like kb ¿why you play it? If you don't like ultra bullet the best solution is don't play it.

Edit: no offend in this message.
My opinion: KB players shouldnt be banned but they should be separated. There is actually a team where non KB players play, if u want to join message me

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