
Best white opening(s) for any rating??

What do you guys think are the best openings to play as white? Not only for around my rating range but also pretty much for others as well who might be lower or higher. I'm looking through the opening explorer, but it is hard to find a suitable opening.

I would like the opening to:
-Start on e4
-Development process is very smooth & fast
-No gambits (good ones) possible (any side)
-Easy middlegame
-Good for rapid & classical games

Any ideas are appreciated!
I'm all in for (e4) and (d4) as an opening and maybe a trap. A lot of times I see myself going for the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez, and both aren't too pathetic openings, but I'm still down for playing the Accelerated London at times. It's all up to you. The Caro-Kann used to be one of my favorites but one I was countered with the Caro-Kann Trap, I stopped it immediately. Sometimes I play (e3) and (d3) as well as bringing out my horseys on my first few moves. All in your favor.
@TipsChess_Official said in #3:
> I'm all in for (e4) and (d4) as an opening and maybe a trap. A lot of times I see myself going for the Italian Game and the Ruy Lopez, and both aren't too pathetic openings, but I'm still down for playing the Accelerated London at times. It's all up to you. The Caro-Kann used to be one of my favorites but one I was countered with the Caro-Kann Trap, I stopped it immediately. Sometimes I play (e3) and (d3) as well as bringing out my horseys on my first few moves. All in your favor.

depends on you style. 1 e4 usually favors the more tactical players that want winning chances. 1 d4 usually favors the positional player often giving up the advantage waiting for black to make a mistake. try both and see which appeals more to you.
@saixchess said in #1:

> I would like the opening to:
> -Start on e4
> -Development process is very smooth & fast
> -No gambits (good ones) possible (any side)
> -Easy middlegame
> -Good for rapid & classical games

King's Indian Attack. (a setup)

King's Indian Attack - An Introduction [Part 1/3] by GM Damian Lemos
>What do you guys think are the best openings to play as white?

English Opening, especially with the Botvinnik setup.

Nimzo-Larsen Attack

Colle-Zukertort system
(if opponent's queen-bishop can't reach the kingside - blocked by own pawns, normally)

London system

Stonewall setup
(if opponent has played d5 already)

1.Nf3 - Zukertort Opening.

d4, c4 is good, but I can hardly call it an opening - your opponent has 30 different things he can do against it. It becomes a memory game, baah..

And, as mentioned - the King's Indian Attack.

Many people (online) play a King's Indian *Defense* setup, starting with 1.Nf3 - Zukertort Opening.
Nf3, g3, Bg2, d3, 0-0.
Lets be totally honest the best opening is the Hippo.

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