
Select game for export

1. Go in the ,,study" tool
2. Create a new study
3. Enter your game
4. In the bottom you should find a ,,PNG tag"-tool
5. Enter the tags you want
6. When you're finished, click on the ,,share and export"-tool and download/open your chapter PNG

I hope this helped.
Either you make the moves, or enter the Pgn when you create a new chapter (when you create a new chapter, you should see the options ,,empty, editor, URL, FEN and PGN), or (in case you already have the game on Lichess), you click on the Menu (the tree lines on top of each other, when you enter the analysis board) and click on ,,study".
When I select “analyse” from the home menu in my mobile iPhone app and enter a game move by move, the export pgn function does not work! Nothing happens.

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