
Fantasy Idea

I know that when prize money if offered then chess becomes more cheat than a lance armstrong cycle team but ...
My fantasy idea is that people are allowed to deposit small amount, say 10 dollars. And from this fund they can play games at tiny entry fee tournaments where almost half the players win. Its not about the money!! but then why have this function? The monies real 'disguised' function is for chess fans to pay to see the matchups they want. For example, if 50 people wanted to see kingcrusher versus chessnetwork in some reasonable length battle then they could select this matchup from a pull down menu. People then add small fee(gaining ticket to watch) until a certain amount is reached. If reached and players agree then game on, if not , no money has been taken from each paying fan. As I type this I do see some holes :) but it is my chess kibitzer fantasy. I can imagine it getting popular then more and more Masters join until eventually we have a 2 dollar entry- pay per view of magnus naka battling over 1 min and 3 min games with 8 thousand watching .(maybe they would take paycut) I would pay but would others....
But I do agree because people would be more attracted to Lichess to watch and maybe even play!
in my fantasy it can :P
It is not very realistic but wouldn't it be great to be able to play fight promoter and get the chance to make exciting matchups
This is not a some underground pit fight.
There are always very strong grandmaster tournaments around the world if someone wants to watch.
If anyone wants to spend money for chess entertainment, I suggest them to donate it for this awesome site's developers.
Some people like underground pit fights , especially in fantasy.
In real sense, I would rather watch online speed chess in the comfort of my own home on a 2d board than going to a live event smelling old man nerd sweat. :)
But yes, donating to the developers is great idea.
This idea might be the worst I've heard in a while. Let's keep lichess free. People should not have to pay to watch a chess game.
I guess my post was fantasy and not so clear to some but paying to play here is not what I meant at all.
As I do not believe in my idea other than in what it could produce I will not explain further.
But ..
Magnus V Naka pay per view. Cheap to watch, fun for players as well as fans. Nobody gets hurt :)
Just not enough money around to make it happen
Maybe Rex read this forum :P

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