
Can someone tell me what this Lichess player plays as white?

Here's the link to the games Hossein_Babaee plays as white in blitz;

I know you can see the opening name when he plays the games, thing is I feel like he starts off with Nf6 because it's more flexible to transpose into anything. Lichess says it's the Kings indian attack most of the time, but also calls it the hungarian (If the move order is different which makes sense) I just have a hard time understanding what he transposes to because most of the structures he plays look quite similar (not sure if it's a catalan transposition since it often does look like a catalan without the same main ideas). I saw Eric Rosen's streamer battle video the other day and saw this game; Where Hossein absolutely demolishes Eric Rosen, so this prompted me to get into this opening as white. For reference I'm 1750 rated on in rapid games, and I would like to get better at these types of positions for white and against white. Thanks in advance!
Seems like he is playing some fianchetto schemes that usually transoposes to English opening mainlines
@ilariON579 said in #2:
> Seems like he is playing some fianchetto schemes that usually transoposes to English opening mainlines
okok, so basically, an english but Nf6 and fianchetto first then
Main advantages are simplicity and you will get same kind of positions almost every time, and main disadvantage that black could get a lot of space in some variations.

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