
Candidates Day 1: Half decisive, half drawn

@jmmayer said in #5:
> Bit weird when you refer to Ding by his given name and everyone else by their familial name.

Ding seems to be his last name, so it is Liren Ding. Hao Wang. And so on.
Ding ding, who's there?
Chess monster
Chess monster who?
Nvm monsters don't ding the bell...
What can I say, keep going guys! Good start for everyone, next round you'll have a great success
@ANonAddict said in #9:
> I've blocked the author but I'm still getting his blog posts on my home page. I'd seriously appreciate the option to block these spoilers

I am DEEPLY confused by the spoiler people... If you weren't expecting people to talk about something I get it, but this is a chess website, you're surprised to find chess news here? The way we've been covering chess news for years and years?
<Comment deleted by user>
@ANonAddict said in #17:
> I go to lichess to PLAY chess. If I want chess news I will go to the forums, but there is no option to opt out of official blog posts appearing in your feed on the front page. I've requested for years an option to unsubscribe or opt out but the github issue was closed without comment
> Im not at all confuses to find chess news here, I'm requesting the option to opt out from them or move them somewhere so you can play on lichess without accidentally seeing news
> I seriously love lichess, but I would appriciate the option to unsubscribe from news posts a lot. Huge respect for you guys and what you have built

Fair enough. To be honest with you, you're unlikely to get this option anytime soon because we try very hard to keep complexity down and not add extra settings whenever possible.

Instead I made a user style that will remove the timeline for you. It can be quickly turned on and off with a browser extension.

Install a userstyle manager like Stylus (not "Stylish") and install this:

It should work for any browser. Feel free to PM if its not working.
@schere said in #12:
> Ding seems to be his last name, so it is Liren Ding. Hao Wang. And so on.

Not sure what you mean by "last," but Ding is his familial name, Liren is his given name. So if you mixed and matched, fine. Many call Hikaru Hikaru, Magnus Magnus, Alireza Alireza. But Ding has always been known as Ding, so if you're calling all the players by their familial names, Ding should also be Ding.

Seems like there is a fair bit of ignorance about this — Gotham was also calling Ding by his given name Liren, all of a sudden.
@jmmayer said in #19:
"Not sure what you mean by "last," but Ding is his familial name, Liren is his given name. So if you mixed and matched, fine. Many call Hikaru Hikaru, Magnus Magnus, Alireza Alireza. But Ding has always been known as Ding, so if you're calling all the players by their familial names, Ding should also be Ding.
Seems like there is a fair bit of ignorance about this — Gotham was also calling Ding by his given name Liren, all of a sudden."

Now you say the opposite of your previous post.

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