
I really need your help.

My old account was TheGreatSolar. I made it in 2014. I can prove I own the account, the linked videos on its profile are to my YouTube channel (Will To Win). I need my old account back, I have many games on it and I wish to play on it again. If anyone knows anyone who can either tell me which email I registered it to, or find some other reasonable way to help me into my own account, that'd be fantastic. If not I'll prove it through any other method you wish. Please help me get my old account back! I tried the contact page and it isn't working. I need someone with a sense of duty and justice to step up here and help me. Anyone else with any advice, I'm all ears.

Thanks for your time,

A desperate lichess user!
that's an old account.

> If anyone knows anyone who can either tell me which email I registered it to

are you certain you even set an email? setting an email only became mandatory around 2016 or so.

> Please help me get my old account back! I tried the contact page and it isn't working.

how exactly is the contact page not working?
I don't even know if I did. I possibly didn't set an email. Certainly someone can help me get into my account and I have no issues proving it's me! There is literally no reason why I shouldn't be able to get in. My old password was autosaved and my computer died on me. Lichess is a non-profit site set to promote chess for all, and for them to let me back into my own account would be perfectly in line with that philosophy.

There HAS to be some reasonable LiChess person who can help me. I have been with this site for so many years, and dedicated so much time playing on this site and promoting this site on my youtube channel. It's the smallest of favors that will make a legitimate difference.

right. so again, what exactly is not working with the contact page? you did not elaborate on that at all.
Hey Gilbert, I will show you what isn't working. I sent the following email to

Email SUBJECT: I'm a member since 2014. Can you help?


I've played many games on your site over the years, wrote some articles, and streamed lichess games on youtube and twitch.

My motherboard bit the dust on my old PC, and since I made my lichess account in 2014, I have no idea what email I registered my account to! Can you please help me out by letting me know what my email is that TheGreatSolar is registered to? I will do a password reset.

Account: TheGreatSolar
Email: HELP!

Many thanks!
1) You have still not said why the contact page is not working.
2) In that email there are no elements that prove you are the owner of the account.
@glbert said in #4:
> right. so again, what exactly is not working with the contact page? you did not elaborate on that at all.

So now that I elaborated, will you please help?
@FixMyAccountLeechess said in #8:
> So now that I elaborated, will you please help?

I think what he meant was semantics. You said the contact page isn't working, but it is working, since it let you send an email. I think it's pretty clear that by "it isn't working", you meant that you did not get an answer yet. I'm not sure anyone here can help you with that, but I also don't really know how lichess' support works. But I do think it can take quite some time for someone to answer, so your best bet is probably to just wait a little longer.

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