
!!!Engine not accurate!!!

FEN:7r/4r2P/3k2P1/8/1p6/2p3K1/1P1p3R/7R w - - 0 56

显示下步Kf4 -0.2?

if Kf4 黑 Rf8+!!!
Chess engines were never accurate per se. It is especially noticable when there is something wild happening on a rim of engine calculation depth. Also sometimes it would seem that engines overlook moves due to their general improbability(???) even if the move is well within calculation depth.

TL/DR: this happens (less and less frequently I assume), perhaps you should file a ticket to stockfish developers instead :)
Thank to wasilix,

but has many general composition is not accurate!

I don't think it's related to the stockfish developers,

Because on my computer is accurate!

(I am a Chinese, don't English,please forgive)

The difference between stockfish on your computer and stockfish on a server is that server stockfish is limited by 18 plies depth. On a personal pc I assume it's no more than 1 second worth calculation. In this case it's just a coincidence that there something completely turning the game around happens on 19th ply.

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