
Weird navigation

I find it illogical that to see which of your friends have posted and which people have answered to Forum threads in which you have been active, you have to go to "Create a game". Why? What does the wish to play a game have to do with forums or keeping track of the activity of your friends/responders?

Room for improvement here - maybe simply put the information under a new tab "Communication" on the profile? It wouldn ́t be more clicks: Profile - Communication instead of Create a game - Click on the "X" to remove the secondary smaller "Create a game" window. Would be a lot more logical/intuitive.
Something is busted if clicking Create a Game and then X takes you to timeline. Screenshot maybe?
Here ́s what I mean:

The list I mean is on the left; I can ́t seem to access that information anywhere else, but why must it be under "Create game"? And sorry, but what ́s "timeline"? If you mean the list on my main profile page, it only shows what I ́ve played/posted, nothing from anybody else.

The X I mean is circled; have to click on that before I can click on any of the linked posts on the left.
I realize the timeline you're interested in is located under the create game button that launches the dialog, but why are you clicking that dialog in the first place? Does it auto-open for you or something? Otherwise, you don't have to click on everything in order of appearance.

By any chance, did you bookmark the Lichess homepage, on your browser, to be instead of simply ?

The first link will auto open the "Create game" dialog as soon as the page loads in, which could explain the issue you're having. Either that, or you bookmarked it to direct you to your profile (@Wasted_Youth) instead of the default website homepage, and there's no forum notifications available on your profile page because they're already in the homepage (or on your notifications bell if you were explicitly mentioned with a @ )
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I ́m not having an issue; it just seems to me to be illogical that in order to see if you have any replies to your posts, you HAVE to go via "Create a game". As I said: not intuitive (the exception on this site), and maybe frustrating for new members if they haven ́t discovered that fact yet.
You are the only one who has to click "Create a game". The rest of us see the "list on the left" on the lichess home page ( all the time. This is why we think you aren't actually starting out on the homepage proper. And that is why @Anon581 called it an issue.
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