
Is it a bug: the move I never made

In the blunderfest

I never made the move 16. ... Qe8.

It came suddenly, like I set a premove, but there was no any reason to make such a premove or even click around, since my idea there was to capture the knight on d5 after most of possible opponent's moves. So, I never touched the queen and never clicked on d8. With this I mean that I never had reasons to do so and lead to this premove.

Is it a bug or I miss something?
A similar thing happened to me very rarely. Like only twice in many years I think it's a bug related to communication channel (aka websocket)
But it's just a personal gut feeling
@Motroskin said in #1:
> In the blunderfest
> I never made the move 16. ... Qe8.
> It came suddenly, like I set a premove, but there was no any reason to make such a premove or even click around, since my idea there was to capture the knight on d5 after most of possible opponent's moves. So, I never touched the queen and never clicked on d8. With this I mean that I never had reasons to do so and lead to this premove.
> Is it a bug or I miss something?

Missclick. It happens to me very often. on phone, if you accidentally touch a square with your finger, the piece goes to this wrong square. I suppose hovering the mouse over the wrong square can have this effect.
@CSKA_Moscou said in #3:
> Missclick. It happens to me very often. on phone, if you accidentally touch a square with your finger, the piece goes to this wrong square. I suppose hovering the mouse over the wrong square can have this effect.

I use mouse and hovering shouldn't get such effect without clicks.

The key is that I had no any business neither to queen nor to this cell on that move. I couldn't have touched them. That's why asking.

Misclick happens often when I select a peace and forget about that and get castling instead if rook move, but here I had to have two misclicks in a row to two unrelated things which is highly unlikely.
@Motroskin said in #1:
> It came suddenly, like I set a premove

Looking at the move times graph for that game, it does seem it was a premove. Says the move 16...Qe8 was made in 0.0 sec, probably a misclick premove? If you had the queen selected earlier and accidentally clicked on the e8 square while pondering over where to move it after opponent's move is made, but then they made their move earlier than you expected them to and your misclick resulted in ...Qe8 premove. Only you can tell what really happened, and it's a big ask to remember each and every mouse click/hover/drag/etc you made during a game, especially in faster time controls. It *may* be a bug, albeit very rare and unusual if so, but I'd wager it was an accidental mouse click by you done in haste and your brain didn't register it happening before the move got made on the board.
@Anon581 , you just repeated what I stated in the question. Yes, it cam as a premove which I never did.

Please, see all my reasoning above. Being this another position, I wouldn't ask. But here I had no any reason to touch neither queen nor e8 square.
@Motroskin said in #6:
> it cam as a premove which I never did

And you can't accept that it was likely an accidental MISCLICK on your part that you may have subconsciously not registered doing while you did it? And it has to be a bug or some sort of server side error by Lichess? Read post #3 again. Human error is the most likely answer in your case. What I fail to understand is why you'd not consider that and would instead assume it is a bug which is very unlikely since if it was a bug, it would be reproducible (often) by other players in their games, and fixed long before.

> But here I had no any reason to touch neither queen nor e8 square.

MISCLICKS often aren't made by reason, but accident. I had a game (probably a year ago?) where I misclicked and put my Q next to an enemy pawn where they could just take it for free next move (which they did). It was a careless mouseslip on my part, even though I had no reason to even put my Q on that side of the board.
@Anon581 said in #7:
> What I fail to understand is why you'd not consider that

Because this would lead to nowhere. If this is a human mistake, this is the end of story.
But if it is not and somebody else will reply that they met the same issue we will have statistics for the defect to try to reproduce and find it.

My question here is to see if I am alone with such a situation, not to complain, trying to reconsider the results of the game, or any other crazy stuff like that. If I am alone, this is most probably a misclick. If I am not alone, this is a precedent.
@Motroskin said in #8:
> My question here is to see if I am alone with such a situation, not to complain, trying to reconsider the results of the game, or any other crazy stuff like that. If I am alone, this is most probably a misclick. If I am not alone, this is a precedent.

Fair enough, but I'm almost certainly sure you answered your own question.
> If this is a human mistake, this is the end of story.

While post #2 shares your case and attempts to provide some confirmation, they also do admit it's more of a gut feeling, so they're also not sure they didn't just misclick and not realize it subconsciously.
@Anon581 said in #9:
> While post #2 shares your case and attempts to provide some confirmation, they also do admit it's more of a gut feeling, so they're also not sure they didn't just misclick and not realize it subconsciously.

You totally missed my point. If you like to catch it, reread all my posts above. If you still eager to understand, I will explain again. But please, read carefully.

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