
I haven't played but one or two cheaters on lichess for about a year now.

I like to post this once a year or so to show how great erwin and the mods are doing at banning cheaters. Great job lichess. I played two 10/0 players who were talking all game and I played them twice and they had 10-12 cpl both games. I guess I'm just getting worse at chess.
Well, normally I would say there are very few cheaters here, if any at all. But in the last days I came across a very obvious one: Blitz-rating about 1000, a lot of games with about 15cpl, same move time every time every game and he destroyed me in Classic with a flawless game. I reported him but he still is not banned yet.
I just don't understand how i can play 15,000 games in a year and only have something like 2-5 notifications of cheaters. I can play 100 games daily and in my opinion it is very obvious that I am playing at least 2 cheaters at least. I love lichess but it just doesn't make sense to me.
Sometimes I play with cheaters and I loose and loose rating points later a notification comes that you lost a person who violated the lichess TOS (Terms of Service) and I get my rating points back. Yey!
Cheating has killed the classical pool IMO. Too many positive instances I've reported where no action has been taken.
The very fact that lichess failed to flag cheaters showed you played many cheaters but they got away and you had no idea. They are "false negatives".
Lichess is trying atleast . It's no better on . You can't be strict in this term because it can result into inocent players being banned .
Cheating is a part of online chess. Sometimes you’ll play against cheaters. It happens, life moves on.
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