
About a player called JOANET


I played 2 games against him (6 + 6), and the most suspicious of both was this one:

And not only the moves, but the pace at which he moved (he took the same for each move in the opening than in the middle game) and, additionally, the fact that he played the line that is recommended
by many computers.

For all of that, I would say that he is playing with computer guidance -although he gave me no warning of that beforehand.

May he forgive me if this is not the case.

You are correct in your observations.

We can see that the person cheated because of some additional measurements as well.

The person has had her or his account adjusted accordingly due to this event. Thank you for saying this information.
I am sorry to be a good player,i play meny tornement in spain,and my elo is1600.I will not play eny more in lichess,becouse wen i play i try do do de best, wot a pety. bay for ever
Some of the people you beat are ~1600+.
You didnt lose against them once.
Your move times are very slow for a person whos at 1600...
At that rating opening theory and move times in the opening stages should be fast. You even take very long on easy captures where moves are very obvious.
Our algorithm picked you up even in games at some of the better players.

We'll return your points if you could repeat your performance in a 3 minute game.

Ipecac which computer program or engine did his moves match with?
It must be a very weak engine because my engine picks up plenty of mistakes.
Like he/she said, "bay" forever. She can say hi to Elizabeth for us if she likes, but she's not coming back.

Mercy is not for liars. As you can imagine I'm surprised she even knows what ELO is.

And yeah, since the rates are all low, probably made plenty mis-clicks (like ...a6 against the QGA instead of ...a5) or refused to cheat every move of the game, but maybe Ipecac you could fill us in
on the specifics of what opening sections which computers generally agree with.
Why should someone cheat and use a weak engine?
<Ipecac which computer program or engine did his moves match with?>

I don't know, I don't even have access to engines in my computer at the moment, so I cannot check, but I have used computers A LOT and played chess on-line for several years, and like any other I
develop a 'sense': not infallible, but useful.

<Why should someone cheat and use a weak engine?>

As I said, I cannot check if his moves are flawless, but whenever someone goes into the Najdorf PP variation it means that
1) he knows his theory or
2) he is using computer aid,
and by the pace at which his moves came it seems to me it was 2)

<but maybe Ipecac you could fill us in
on the specifics of what opening sections which computers generally agree with>

I think I have already exposed the most compelling of my case (with the JOANET thing), and in gral. terms the openings I have found the most in blitz games with computer assistance are mainly Najdorf
lines, PP, Richter-Rauzer, Dragon and Yugoslav as white and Schev and QGA as black, but certainly PP is the most common, which is funny because a player who knows where is heading doesn't take too
long to play Rb1 (in the PP accepted variation), while someone that is playing with computer assistance just has that 'alt + tab' cadence.

Nonetheless, I am use that there are players that don't mind playing against a comp. on the internet, but it is important to know that you are doing so -instead of playing a human, I mean-, to choose
the proper strategy, so maybe a 'I-consult-moves-with-my-engine-while-we-play' feature could be enabled so that we all knew against whom/what are we playing.

'Nonetheless, I am *sure' and 'so maybe an*' (is what I wanted to write, sorry)
Yes that's what I thought you meant; thank you. You didn't mean that entire games matched quality engine moves. Modern computers today already come with opening books that address the Najdorf, like
you say, or even support the moves internally.

"Cheating" inclusively defines only engine use for rated games at the moment. It has been specified on the Wiki for the rules that in casual/unrated games, engine use is acceptable if both opponents
know. So yes you're right about that as well.
Dudes....because a guy switches windows during games and is slow, he uses computer assistance, even with a lot of mistakes??
Ok, he may be suspicious, but you can at least doubt a little and wait before taking decisions.
And last thing, I don't like this witch hunt against cheaters, I think the fight against cheater should be closer to KGB need to say on the forum who cheats or not, just adjust them
without being noisy

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