
Carlsen, Kasparov, Nakamura, Firouzja and more battle it out on Lichess

How’d Lichess get Nakamura? I want to see Naka win some Titled Arenas on Lichess
I like it when old champions beat new ones, hope Kasparov do his best here!
"Magnus is a pawn up but he is less on time.......what a phenomenon.......Kasparov couldn't beat Magnus"...................................
The continuation we will see
"But chess960 isn't real chess!"
Well, it's not the _standard_ chess, but it's still arguably even more real than the standard chess because the rules are pretty much the same but you're out of the book from move one and you have to be creative from the start. You could say that intense studying of openings is part of "real chess", but I will have to disagree.

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