
Use own engine Dlls for post-game analysis

Is it possible to have a post-game analysis option to use one's own preferred engine dll and interactively go over a game?! I guess because this is a browser based site, this may not be so easy or even desirable from a philosophical perspective. I tend to play most of my 5 minute chess somewhere else where such post-game analysis is more flexible because I can explore different variations easily.

Feedback welcome from all
BTW I have done a 5 minute commentary video where I emphase some points including this one about the post-game analysis. It can be found here:

I am considering doing some 5 minute commentaries from this site, but currently the post-game analysis is quite restrictive.

Perhaps I could use my own standalone chessbase software though to analyse the game dynamically.

Cheers, K
I think you're right about this feature perhaps not being desirable. This is, after all, a browser-based chess site, and I think adding such a feature might make it a little clunky and detract from the overall experience.

But, if they can pull it off, I think it could be a very good feature to have, especially considering the in-site engine analysis is quite limited in terms of search depth.

By the way, big fan of your videos, and I think mega-exciting blitz on lichess would be fantastic.

This is something i too would like to see. Where you load your engine from you computer and use your own cpu to look at different lines. The only website i've seen this feature on is on chesstempo. I would love having this here, I would probably use your analysis board for everything if it had an active engine.
Pretty sure were strongly considering on-demand move/position analysis. But client-side computer analysis probably won't happen for a while, if at all. There just isn't a good way to do it.
I think this feature may alienate some of the less-experienced and less involved chess players, who just want to see who was winning where and what their major mistakes are.

It might be a bit intimidating to be faced with 50 different options, "load engine" dialogue boxes etc. and thus compromise the user-friendly simplicity of it all. After all, ability for customization often comes at the price of ease-of-use.
Clarkey, interesting if you could do that on-demand!

From my perspective as a video annotator, Xsplit recently makes it easier to join and split videos. I guess I could do my post-game analysis with Chessbase as part of the same video and bolt it on. So maybe it isn't such a big deal actually, if I needed this extra flexibility from the perspective of a video game annotator.

Cheers, K
#5 #7 Agreed, on-demand analysis would be fascinating, especially if combined with a shared analysis board (so in lichess viewers could watch and comment on live analysis)!

I'm supposing that part of the reason on-demand analysis isn't such a high priority is because two alternatives exist:
a) As suggested in #7, download PGN and analyze on your PC
b) "Play against the machine (from position)" is available in analysis mode

but I could imagine that anywhere many people are watching (such as lichessTV or maybe even a post-game analysis session... especially if other players could see your variations) then on-demand analysis would offer value to all viewers, not just to the player.
This can't be done cleanly or simply. The only platform independent way I can think of would be to use Javascript, Flash, or some other type of browser-based engine. Needless to say, this would be very slow, and very resource intensive.

Another issue with this idea that I just thought of pertains to cheating. As I understand it, cheat/engine detection occurs either during the game (as in: mirroring moves of another game) or after it (by looking at suspicious clues in the analysis). If we allow client machines to analyze, they could be be configured to intentionally mis-analyze the game, and since any engine can be used, it will always be plausible that the engine used simply sucks.
Hi there. I really wanted this feature so I built it.

I have done the following:
1) Setup a server running stockfish that listens for analysis requests
2) Written a Chrome extension that sends requests to that server and receives the results back in real time, when the browser is on an analysis board.

Please check it out if you are interested:

Source for server and client (Chrome extension) here:

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