
Rating on Lichess and rating in real life.

Who has rank or official rating in life, what's your rating on Lichess? Or may be soomebody knows estimated value of Lichess rating?)
It's pretty difficult to form a relationship between lichess rating and FIDE, ACF, or USCF rating as they all scale differently.

Kingscrusher is about 2100-2200 FIDE and is rated ~2500 on here. You could see that as being +300, but that rule won't hold true for lower rated players.
Thanks) interesting what about 1600-2000 rating players
I have 2070 FIDE ELO as of January 2014 and my Rating here goes up and down between 1850 and 2080. But never forget the point pool is different to "official" numbers and most games here are not played in "standard" conditions. So comparison must leave "rating" fans disappointed. Better to invest some thoughts on better play than on rating. Never forget there are some machines playing also (which under normal conditions) won't happen (that often) in OTB play.
I agree it's disappointing either way, but that's "modern" chess life. (I got robbed ~40 ELO also OTB, but the cheating players ware pardoned and ran away with my ELO points so just ignore it)

Enjoy and learn from your games, not just your wins!

Set yourself some reasonable limits on play.
a) LIMIT LOSS: don't lose more than 200 Points on one day
(that's about 13 games against same rating opponents)
b) DROP BAD HABITS: Don't play stupidly the same opponent over and over again, just to beat him once.
c) INVEST IN FUTURE: Take a day/days off and spend some time on preparation and review of games. / Look at others games using the TV feature. It's joyful and you rebuild your ego saying: "I would have seen that"
I currently have a 1850 elo and i'm around 2150 here. That's purely because i see patterns fast with bullet. So it all depends on what time control you play and what kind of rating system your country applies.
I'm 1880 USCF rated and around 2180 here. I think that it is around a 300+ point difference.
Can anybody explain why my rating system went back from 2056 to 1500? And now when I play someone it does not change although the wins are recorded?

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