
Any other examples of a position with same move is played in over 1000 games until novelty is found?

This blew my mind today, White took on b5 with the queen almost without thinking on move 13, until Grischuk - Vidit, 2016 (13. Nxb5 was a known but rare sideline).
Grischuk probably found it by having engine running in the background, but still ...
Don’t know what you mean but there are 30 games in the CB database with 13.Qc5+ (Score 65%). A pragmatic approach by Black to steer back in the solid main line with equality.

Maybe you look into Konstantinopolski-Welz Karo-Cann. The book is not that fresh.
@Sarg0n From what I can see - all those 30 games games came after Grischuk played 13.Qc5+ in 2016 (only to prove that it is a good move). The thousand games with Qxb5 came before that. I myself have been playing this line for 20 years for both colours without ever looking at 13.Qc5+.
I looked in the CB tree, there‘s only number, winning percentage, and stuff like that... sry!
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@Trognar The position after Nd6 is pretty likely to lead to some repetition if Black finds/knows the right moves (true for White too). But that's not very different from the old main line, so as far as shock and awe value - it's a bit more than hope chess.
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Nobody seems as excited as I am :) Perhaps because I am the Nc6 player, and I would have not been prepared at all. @Sarg0n
Thanks for finding the correspondence game, although I have a feeling Grischuk found it by letting the engine run ... My original question was - how often (other examples anyone can think of) do you see 30 moves of prepared theory cut off shortly on move 13 to go in a very different direction, after so many games had gone one way for decades.

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