
Bug in Lichess Stockfish CLOUD? (Nigel Short's King March)

@checkmate-master: Sometimes it says CLOUD elsewhere, yes. For example if one looks at the chess starting position on the analysis board (menu Tools --> Analysis Board). There it's "CLOUD" on depth 38.

But it still doesn't store the calculations of my study... :(

Or does it say: "1. Kh2 #28" for you when you open this link?
Does it read "CLOUD" when you open it or "PNACL" or something else? If it says "CLOUD" ... what cloud depth do you have?
@katastropha: Seems I have to become a patron then. But I guess there is no guarantee that it will work then either? Or are all patrons in the CLOUD group?
@checkmate-master: I think I can cautiously spread some optimism that it works now for me, too.

I just refreshed my study and my current calculations were stored in the cloud. This is awesome!

I'll try once more and let it calculate until Stockfish finds the mate in 28. Hopefully, this will be stored in the cloud, too. I think it was depth 46, and this took a few hours on my hardware... :)
Do cloud server on lichess work similarly to that of Let's Check Database on fritz gui?
@katastropha "Lichess selects by specific criteria which users' analysis will be saved in the cloud...", that's not true. All users can save analysis to the cloud as long they analyse in a study!!
+JohnyMnemonic: This is weird. It (eventually) did store my analysis in

But now I created a new puzzle:

And while it seems to have stored the calculations of someone else in the CLOUD (depth 40 for the starting position; depth 25 after 1. c7; depth 56 after 1... Rd6+, etc.); it doesn't store my own deeper analysis for any of the positions. When I refresh, my own deeper analysis is gone. Only the depth already stored in the CLOUD (depth 40 for the starting position; depth 25 after 1. c7; depth 56 after 1... Rd6+, etc.) is preserved.

Why is that?
Sorry @CozyChess If I understand it right, you say that on chapther 8 after move 1.c7 if you search deeper li doesn't store your analysis ?
I leave it running till depth 36 and after refresh my analysis stored to the cloud.
I don't know what browser do you use, but anyway try 2 or 3 multiple lines for analysis and it should work just fine.
+JohnyMnemonic: Thanks for all your help. It seems to work now. I believe the problem was caused by a bad and lagging connection (lack of connectivity to the server).

Can anyone remember how many lines are the Lichess default for Stockfish 8? Was it two or three?

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