
Queen auto-promotion button

Can we have a button/drop down menu somewhere near the board when you're playing where you can easily and quickly turn Queen promotion on or off?

I could have had a sweet knight promotion that won a 1 0 game but there was no time efficient way of changing my preferences!

Speaking of which, I want autopromote on, except when playing Antichess. Nobody wants auto-queen in Antichess. Maybe that variant should specifically ignore the preferences selection.
it's already an exception
i have autopromote on but it doesn't work in antichess
I'm also troubled by not being able to quicly toggle between auto-promote for queens. I don't want to strictly auto-promote always, but when I'm short of time at the end of the game I don't want to always have to waste precious seconds choosing to promote to a queen.
I wonder if something like a keyboard trigger could be used. For example: if you promote a pawn while holding down Q on your keyboard it promotes to a queen, N for knight etc. if you aren't holding down a key bring up the menu like normal (keyboard could still be used to select piece from menu just incase you hit the key just after promoting). This would not slow you down at all if you had your pinky ready on the Q, and would allow premove knights. It could also be the keys 1234 instead of QRBN but people might forget, or this could be configured in preferences? I'm not sure, but just a thought.
Phyisis' solution has long made the most sense to me. I'm surprised no site has implemented it.

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