
A (somewhat dubiously) hyperaggressive treatment of the Ruy Lopez

I was really happy with this game for a few reasons: I played well, with an acp of just 22 despite the game being only 26 moves long, and it also pushed my rapid rating up above 2050.

I've been a devoted Ruy player for a while now, but I didn't used to play the most critical way against the Steinitz (an immediate d4), instead cheapening out with c3 in an effort to maneuver the game into my usual pet Closed Ruy structures. But I figured I should try to play the more critical try for once, and it worked out great in this game.

Yes, 10. g4 was way over the top. 10. ...Rb8! would have made my life somewhat difficult, as b2 would have been challenging to defend and I've just burnt my bridges with regard to any possibility of sacking the pawn for development and/or castling kingside. But my opponent instead played a lemon (...g6?), and allowed me to play a very cool attacking game in which I got to successfully castle long and initiate a pawn storm on the kingside. Unfortunately, 18. ...Qe5 was a gross blunder in an already bad position which made converting the advantage a lot simpler.

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