
Change in elo rating calculation?

Yesterday I noted a sudden change in elo rating calculation. Playing with a person with the same rating, the variation used to be +-10 points while now it's +-7. Why?
I observed the same thing ; from 10+ changes for months to 6-8 changes. Now, if I look up my rating deviation, it's down to 51 from about 60 one or two days ago ; however it didn't seem to ever drop noticeably below 60 previously.

I long thought that lichess ratings are too volatile, so I'm not complaining, but it definitely looks like there has been changes in how the rating deviation is computed.
Tks for the clarification
I used to be a chess arbiter (at a very local level) and the rating change was quite straightforward: K*(Result-Result expected). And K=10 was the asymptotic value
I'll go thru the glicko system

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