
Suggestion: Study - Comment here

A brief recommendation: When I right-click on a move and select "Comment here," I want to just start typing. However, currently I need to select "Comment here," then scroll down, the click in the text box, and only then begin typing.

It's a little clunky right now, and I think this a small thing to help make it better. I'm not sure you would want to "Screen jack" the user and make it scroll down automatically so that the text box is immediately viewable, but it's an option.
I agree also. A easier way to comment would be nice. Also it would be nice if the public or registered users could make a non official comment to specific moves in the game instead of just using chat but not put in the PGN. For example I am a part of someone study and want to put said comment on a move but do not want it to actually be on the PGN file or in the study itself. Just a public comment place.
People arent supposed to make studies, they are only supposed to watch mines lolol.

Yeah, nice suggestion.
I don't understand, when I click "Comment this position" it autofocuses the text area and I can start typing right away. Can't you?
@thibault, I double checked this -- I know I'm not seeing things, because it's been a little tedious.

It looks like if I'm using my keyboard's arrow keys to navigate, and then right click a move, that there's some discrepancy there.

As another example: I have created a very small Study and clicked on the last move of the game...and it will never autofocus for typing. That may be an independent bug, or maybe it's part of the same one.

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