
Am I a strong player?

That means even I should be considered strong...

Thank you for your opinion Dr Zaitzev.
1200- - novice
1200-1400 - 4th rank
1400-1600 - 3th rank
1600-1800 - 2th rank
1800-2000 - 1th rank
2000-2200 - CM
2200-2300 - NM
2300-2400 - FM
2400-2500 - IM
2500+ - GM
Thanks for reminding. Just in case you were unsure, that there was fun to be had in playing chess, your rating has has assured you levels of title.
I'm afraid I only players with a bullet rating of 1906 and a blitz rating of 1916 are strong players.
1200- dufus
1200 -1400 You're having a laugh.
1400-1600 You used to play as a kid you keep saying
1600 -1800 I'm at work, if my boss catches me
1800 -2000 I've got a girlfriend/boyfriend
2000 - 2200 Pregnant
2200-2400 Nobody lives but me
2400 - I am GOD
My friend once met a chess player and then asked him if he was strong, yes replied "a little"..

then we found out that he is rated more than 2500 FIDE,which is why i believe that if your not some sort of master, then you are not strong :P
Well, technically Morphy was not a master of any kind and yet, I think he was strong...a lot.
I gather from this thread a simple truth: That the meaning we find in words is dependent on our own lives and experiences.

A player rated 900 would call 1500 strong, a player rated 2300 will call 2600 strong.

We are thinking of what is strong *relative to us*, and that is how all language and concept formation works in the end.

Unless you're of the non-school of thought dubbed "Objectivism", or still believe that "the word is God".

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