
Search "user:Davelz"

156 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - What do I do to people that won't make a move in a Lichess game?#27

This reminds me of how matches were conducted without chess clocks in the early nineteenth century. It was not unknown for a slow player to take an hour over a single move, much to the annoyance of hi…

General Chess Discussion - I'm generally curious how I get ranked against an 1170, followed by a 1340#4

Quick pairing can be fine tuned, if desired, down to + or -50 rating points difference with the "custom" option at the end of the suggested game times.

General Chess Discussion - Help with a baffling puzzle#2

What you have missed is that after g4 Rxh4, g5+ Black has a square to run to...Kh5, after which he is a whole rook up.

General Chess Discussion - Rook or Bishop?#10

A King can force checkmate against a lone king with the help of a rook but not a bishop. On an open board the rook is not restricted to one colour like the bishop. A king can avoid the diagonal line o…

General Chess Discussion - Meditation#12

I can only think of it being disadvantageous if ... (a) you play your opening move then go into a trance state as your clock runs down.. (b) your pre-game meditation causes you to lose track of time a…

General Chess Discussion - Who will become the next world no.1 player after Magnus Carlsen#5

I'd keep an eye on two players who are still teenagers, already in the top 15 on the FIDE Classical rankings & still improving; Praggnanandhaa & Keymer

General Chess Discussion - Old aged and high rated OTB ?#2

Anand,54 ~2748. Gelfand,55 ~2660. Shirov,51 ~ 2668, are still in the top 100 FIDE ranking list.

General Chess Discussion - Which Phrase of the game is the most important and Why?#29

After a bad opening, there is hope for the middle game. After a bad middle game, there is hope for the endgame. But once you are in the endgame, the moment of truth has arrived. ~Edmar Mednis

General Chess Discussion - When does a London system start?#9

If you look at the Lichess "tools" ~ "openings" feature, the majority of positions which include the description "London System" only need to include White's moves d4 Nf3 Bf4, as DvdB suggested in his…

General Chess Discussion - How to checkmate?#8

Inexperienced players often mishandle their pieces in winning positions, thinking that every check must be a good move. Against a lone king you can restrict the squares available to him without checki…
