
Search "user:LokiBrot"

81 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - How about adding a "thumbs up" or "thumbs down" rating to screen rude players?#10

Dude, I (and, I guess, many others) have the chat turned off when I play. Just because some use it to trash-talk or outright insult. I don't want to have to deal with that, so I'm glad I don't have to…

Game analysis - Why is 16.Nxf8(Rook) a Blunder (he was up an exchange)#3

At first I thought: Because they get the pin on the knight after Nxg7 Kxg7, and that is better than winning an exchange. But if you follow the line of best moves, the queen even moves away, freeing th…

General Chess Discussion - I lose more than I gain in rapid points#6

There are multiple factors the influence the rating gain/loss after a game. For example: The rating difference between you and your opponent. When you win against someone who is lower rated than you, …

Lichess Feedback - Devs, why are you breaking Lichess? Are you double agents?#25

1. The "brilliant moves" feature on doesn't actually mean anything. According to their own documentation, > a Brilliant move is when you find a good piece sacrifice. (Source: https://support…

Lichess Feedback - Where is the flag of Kingdom of Hawaii, California, Texas, Navajo Nation etc?#10

Or, hear me out here, how about you just add the flags you want to be added or open a Github issue and hope for someone else to do it instead of cryptically accusing who-knows-who of who-knows-what? L…

Lichess Feedback - Where is the flag of Kingdom of Hawaii, California, Texas, Navajo Nation etc?#7


General Chess Discussion - Why so many cheaters in the games selected for puzzles?#3

I'm pretty sure it doesn't say anything about any of those things.

General Chess Discussion - What music do you listen to when you play chess?(if you do)#11

Minimal electronic or (neo-)classical, depending on mood.

General Chess Discussion - What is your experience with takebacks?#18

I have disabled them in rated games since pretty much the day I joined Lichess (you can disable them in the preferences). People kept spamming takeback requests after blundering, really p***ed me off.…

Lichess Feedback - If we can't play illegal moves and lose, then we should remove stalemate too.#16

You win, I'm giving up :'D Have fun discussing this totally legit request with yourself then <3
