
Search "user:TheChessPrince"

43 forum posts
Lichess Feedback - Lichess unreachable during game and i lose points#3

#2 It would be a lot of fun! lol Player - " I want my points back!!" Admin - " Lets play a game "

General Chess Discussion - How can you have fun playing this game?#2

Read books about everything

Lichess Feedback - Lost Rating Points#5

I lost a game a few hours ago. But i am not here to complain about it. It is pretty annoying when you lose a game due to site issues but i won a lot of games because of the same reason so, i just wann…

Lichess Feedback - List of players with open insignts?#3

General Chess Discussion - Lichess4545 League!#2

How can you ensure that the people won't be using an engine ?

General Chess Discussion - KOTH opening lines#4

It's a shame that it doesn't work for three check!

General Chess Discussion - Learn to accept draw #20

# 1 Al Jaberi For me, this kind of behavior is unacceptable. Making moves just to win the game on time when the position is CLEARLY a draw. This and not resigning the game waiting your clock run to en…

General Chess Discussion - What gets you happy in chess#3

I really enjoy to win agains people who are stronger than me ( not on time).

Game analysis - Bullet VS Classical Rating#6

Usually players who are good in tactics are good bullet players... But also you must have a completely repertory of openings to not waste your time in the first fase of the game.

General Chess Discussion - ultimate KotH challenge#14

The secret is to play tactical positions, with no pawns in the centre and a lot of pieces well coordinates... If i play statical positions or closed openings, the Stockfish always will win.
