
Search "user:bio-matrix2"

46 forum posts
General Chess Discussion - Would you recommend From's Gambit against 1.f4 ?#14

But don't play 2.g3 because of 2...exf4 3.gxf4 Qh4# (dooh!)

General Chess Discussion - lichess online tv#4

Just kidding :-) If you have an xBox One or a console with a browser you can prolly watch it on the big screen. I do that with TCEC.

General Chess Discussion - lichess online tv#3

You need ESPN8. What cable package do you have?

General Chess Discussion - Why I can't win when I'm drunk?#15

I think it's lack of impulse control. When I'm way-shted, I don't scrutinize my moves as carefully and I'm like whatever. I also tend to play more yolo-ish moves (aka poorly calculated sacrifices).

General Chess Discussion - How strong you need to be to make money with chess?#42

You can also make money moychendising. I luv to browse the chess shoppes at tourneys and I wish there were physical stores I could visit to buy chess goods and gifts.

Lichess Feedback - Bringing bughouse to lichess??!#9

Bughouse would be a very popular variant and you would have no trouble finding people to play. We could have a matchmaking system similar to what they have in Steam games. Rocket League is a game that…

General Chess Discussion - Using the archive on TCEC pick your favorite game and post it#4

Oh and I forgot to add that towards the end of the game, Komodo gave itself an eval of 13.37. Deciding to have some fun :-p

General Chess Discussion - Using the archive on TCEC pick your favorite game and post it#3

I'm an SF fan but I hafta admit Komodo scored another brilliancy. Texel played the dubious 3.Be6 in the QGA and Komodo pounced! The lizard patient…

General Chess Discussion - Preparing for a chess tournament#2

My tips are eat right and exercize throughout the tourney. I have often played well to start but played really crappy later on because of the fast food and hotel food really dulled me mentally.

General Chess Discussion - Using the archive on TCEC pick your favorite game and post it#2

My fav game so far is Stage 1A Komodo Vs. Myrddin. It was a very instructive game showing a pawn sacrifice for an attack where Komodo got all the pieces involved into the party. http://tcec.chessdom.c…
